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Neteller online payment system

The review of payment system being used by poker-rooms of Texas Holdem is impossible to do without the description of the largest providers for Internet-transactions, the service NETeller.

NETeller account? is almost mandatory thing for every serious Internet player. This company is a leader of gambling. But for the inhabitants of the CIS and the so-called Middle abroad while working with the system they can meet a lot of ?reefs?. So let`s talk about all pros and cons of NETeller`s and also the basic principles of its system.

1. The registration and the opening of the account.

To open the account in the system you should have your bank account, credit card or the possibility to send EFT checks. The site suggests you passing a three-line online registration. By the way NETeller asks for a lot of personalized information which is particularly connected with the location of the user.

Here lies the first difficulty. The fact is that in the list of regions, which you`ll be offered, you`ll won`t find any country of the former USSR. There is also a possibility to circumvent system administrators by pointing out your contact details in any of the available in the official list of countries, but you should remember that you have to do it on your own fear and risk. The administrators, in particular, are allowed to make selective checking`s. However, there are enough countries with a large amount of Russian speaking users in the official sphere of action of NETeller. For instance, to take Germany, Israel and some countries of Eastern Europe.

I advise you to wait for an automatic e-mail after the end of registration. Are you allowed to carry out operations in the system or not, you will be only informed after the completion of the entire process of registration. If everything was successful, you would receive two user ID, which are also your keys to the account. By the way you needn`t any soft, which attaches you to the definite computer.

The accounts also have a hierarchy, which is determined by the volume of movement means. For large amounts you may need an additional certification. But nowadays both the procedure for issuing certificates, and as a result, the line of NETeller accounts are actively changing. So during the registration I advise you to keep up with renovations on the site and to examine carefully all the information.

However, for most users having the basic (Standard) account will be quite enough. Its restriction is a total volume which is not more than 1900 USD or its equivalent in any of the currencies used by the service.

2. The input and the withdrawal of money

Today NETeller offers the following options of the input of money : instaCash, online check and wire-transfer from a bank account. InstaCash ? is the registration of your bank account directly to the NETeller. You have to pay quite a small amount for transaction, and that`s why you can faster than with other options run your account. But nowadays this option is only available for such countries as the United States and Canada.

The withdrawal of money from the system is symmetric to the input option, moreover you can (albeit it`s long ) receive money by an ordinary cheque. The commission for the operations is collected from the payee ( about USD 1-2).

The site also has an option called NETellerCard ? it`s an own credit card of the system. However, firstly it worked for North America, and in connection with the recent events ( you`ll read about them just below) maybe it`ll be soon ceased to be offered to new customers. Inside the system transactions occur in the shortest possible time and have a very high level of reliability. In addition, NETeller regularly uses various forms of awards for its users for transactions. In particular, it is a system of accumulation of bonus points for each transact. It means if you amassed a sufficient amount of bonuses, you would be able to convert them into ordinary money. Don`t forget that for NETeller it is the United States dollar, the euro, Canadian dollar and British pounds. NETeller also conducts lotteries and other actions to encourage its customers.

3. Scandals, rumours prospects

In February-March 2007 the company experienced a very difficult period - it was being observed by the tax inspectorate of the USA, and American managers of the company were having very unpleasant contacts with the FBI. It happened at the State Department under attack on online gambling business in the United States. It should be said that the court examination turned out to be unfortunate for NETeller: the company lost great sums, and what is important- up to a certain moment was forced to ?freeze? the accounts and to suspend transactions in America and Canada.

However, as shows the review of the April press it is too early to write off NETeller not only from the accounts, but also to transfer it to the list of losers. After a tough reorganization and moving the center of gravity in Europe, NETeller is quite ?afloat? and is finding new ways which will lead to development.

American squabbles paradoxically helped European users, and in strategic plans of NETeller is the opening up of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. In any event, NETeller banners you can find in all the major gaming portals, and this also shows that very sensitive to the scheme administrators of casino are trusting NETeller system.

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